Triangle Orchid Society is proud to present these premier vendors at the 8th annual Fall for Orchids show.

Located in the heart of North Carolina, Seagrove Orchids is a full-service greenhouse catering to novice and seasoned orchid growers. Our wide variety of orchids and potting supplies help make this your one stop for orchids. Expert advice is offered. Repotting is done on site by our experienced crew. Linda Thorne started Seagrove Orchids twenty-four years ago and welcomes you to visit her greenhouse any time of the year. There is always something in bloom and smelling delicious. Open Fridays and Saturdays 10 am to 5 pm and all other days by appointment.
Offerings include: Phalaenopsis, Phragmipediums, Cattleys – standard and mini cats, Paphiopedilums, Laelias, Oncidiums and intergenerics, Angraecoids, Dendrobiums, Bulbophyllum alliance, Phaius, Cymbidiums, and many orchid species. Many will be available at the Show.
3451 Brower Mill Road, Seagrove, NC 27341. (336-879-6677)

Tsuchibuta Pottery, is a small studio started by Dallas Ingram. The name “Tsuchibuta” is the Japanese word for Aardvark, however literally it translates to “tsuchi” = earth and “buta” = pig. It is this literal translation that became the symbolic representation for Dallas. The first kiln built and fired by Dallas, was a “groundhog” kiln, which is an early American adaptation of a Japanese “anagama” or cave kiln. Even though Dallas has since moved from the location of the original kiln, his art is still influenced by the time spent researching Japanese kiln building and ceramic culture. Dallas will feature orchid pots of all sizes from tiny miniatures to full size species for you to purchase.

Peter Breed was born in the Netherlands and grew up in the flower bulb field. His family has been in the flower bulb business for four generations and currently have the largest bulb collection in the world. His father was just recently knighted by their Queen for his work in saving certain species from extinction.
Peter attended the Horticulture school in Rijnsburg and graduated in 1984. Peter also graduated with a four-year horticulture degree from Tuinbouwschool Lisse. Then he moved to Raleigh, NC to join the horticulture faculty at NC State University to conduct a research project on the use of flower bulbs.
Over time Peter became more interested in orchids and joined Dr. David McDaniel to build Orchid Classics, a company that grows, hybridizes, wholesales and does Orchid installation displays with its own laboratory!
Currently Peter is a Norfolk Master Gardener. Peter also takes pleasure in flower arranging which have been seen at the Chrysler Museum, Norfolk Yacht Club, Botanical Gardens, and the Washington National Gallery of arts.
Peter will be setting up an impressive display of Vandas and other species for sale at the Show.